
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Snooperscope adds night vision to smartphone cameras

December 17, 2013
The Snooperscope adds night vision to smartphones
The Snooperscope adds night vision to smartphones
Image Gallery (11 images)
Ever since Paris Hilton and her night vision outtakes took center stage, the technology has grown exponentially in popularity. Now, a product called Snooperscope aims to bring similar technology to the masses through the use of smartphones and tablets.
This isn't the first time we've seen night vision for smartphones, as we've already covered the USNV Night Vision iPhone Adapter. The big difference between that and this new product is the size and the way it affixes itself to the mobile device. Snooperscope uses magnets to grip the back of the phone, and as such, it easy to remove.
In addition to the magnets, Snooperscope also has a screw port on the bottom allowing it to be mounted on a tripod, on the dashboard of a car, and in other places. This opens up a lot of potential uses such as mounting it in front of a door for late night visitors. The reason the night vision scope is able to be used this way is because it connects to the iPhone or Android device using Wi-Fi. The device creates its own private network, the user connects to it, and then accesses what the night vision camera sees using the included application.
From within the app users can see what the Snooperscope sees, and they can also snap photos and videos.
The camera itself uses infrared light that is converted into an image that is visible by the human eye. Because it uses IR, that means the human eye cannot see the light generated by the device, thus allowing it to be used in stealth.
PSY Corporation is seeking funding for the Snooperscope on Kickstarter. It has already exceeded its £40,000 goal. Buyers interested in preordering a device can do so for a minimum pledge of £43 (US$70) while the rewards at that tier last. From there, the funding requirement jumps to its final retail price which is £60 ($98). The company expects to deliver the night vision scope in March.
The pitch video below provides more information on the Snooperscope.

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